Digital Marketing Real Estate Marketing Tips

Amplify Your Real Estate Brand with Influencer Marketing

In a highly competitive real estate market, developing a strong brand identity and differentiating yourself from competitors is essential for sustained success. One innovative marketing strategy that is increasingly gaining traction among real estate professionals is the use of influencers – leveraging their reach, credibility, and trust with their followers to amplify your brand and drive tangible results.

In this in-depth guide, we will discover the growing significance of influencer marketing in the real estate industry, explore best practices for identifying and collaborating with relevant influencers, and delve into real-life examples of successful influencer marketing campaigns. Learn how to harness the power of influencer marketing to effectively promote your properties, cultivate your brand identity, and boost your real estate business.

At Zentap, we understand the unique benefits of influencer marketing for real estate agents and offer a comprehensive platform designed to support and streamline your marketing efforts. With our industry-tailored tools, resources, and insights, you can successfully collaborate with influencers to captivate your target audience, generate buzz around your properties, and drive meaningful results for your business. [CTA at the end of the introduction: Partner with Zentap to enhance your real estate marketing strategy with the influential impact of influencers, and unlock unparalleled growth and success in a competitive marketplace.

Amplify Your Real Estate Brand with Influencer Marketing

In today’s competitive real estate landscape, standing out from the crowd is essential, and influencer marketing is an innovative approach with the potential to propel your success. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the growing importance of influencer marketing, identify best practices for collaboration, and discuss real-life examples of successful campaigns. Let’s dive in and learn how to harness the power of influencers to elevate your brand, drive leads, and supercharge your real estate business.

The Rising Significance of Influencer Marketing in Real Estate

Influencer marketing has emerged as a game-changing strategy within the real estate industry, offering several key advantages for agents seeking a competitive edge:

 Expanding Reach: Influencers have a dedicated and loyal following, enabling you to tap into their audience and expose your brand to a larger market.

 Enhancing Credibility: Partnering with a trusted influencer adds a layer of credibility to your brand, fostering trust and confidence among potential clients.

 Targeted Messaging: Influencers understand their audience’s preferences and interests, allowing you to fine-tune your messaging and appeal to a niche demographic.

 Driving Leads and Sales: Influencer endorsements have a powerful impact on decision-making, leading to increased inquiries, viewings, and property conversions.

Best Practices for Identifying and Collaborating with Relevant Influencers

To maximize the impact of your influencer marketing efforts, utilize these best practices for identifying and collaborating with the right influencers:

 Define Your Target Audience: Before selecting influencers, define your target audience and their preferences to ensure a successful collaboration. Look for influencers whose followers align with your ideal client demographic and interests.

 Research and Vet Potential Influencers: Thoroughly research potential influencers, focusing on engagement, credibility, and content quality. Take note of their history of working with brands and the success of their previous partnerships.

 Establish Clear Goals and Objectives: Clearly define your campaign objectives, such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or promoting a specific property, to shape your collaboration and maximize results.

 Develop a Creative Strategy and Partnership Agreement: Create a strategic plan outlining your content approach, expectations, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Establish a partnership agreement detailing responsibilities, deliverables, and compensation for both parties.

 Measure and Analyze Results: Track the success of your influencer campaign using metrics such as engagement, reach, conversions, and ROI. Use this data to assess the effectiveness of your collaboration and fine-tune your strategy.

Types of Real Estate Influencer Collaborations and Campaigns

Depending on your goals, you can explore various types of influencer collaborations and campaigns in the real estate industry:

 Property Showcases and Virtual Tours: Collaborate with influencers to showcase your properties and offer virtual tours for their audience, generating excitement and enhancing visibility.

 Neighborhood and Community Guides: Partner with influencers to create engaging neighborhood and community guides, highlighting the local lifestyle and amenities to attract potential buyers.

 Event Marketing and Launches: Leverage influencers to promote property launches, open houses, or industry events, leveraging their reach and credibility to drive attendance and boost interest.

 Educational and Promotional Content: Engage influencers in creating educational content, such as buying or selling tips, market updates, or home improvement ideas, offering value to their audience while positioning you as an expert in the real estate industry.

Real-Life Examples of Successful Real Estate Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Numerous real estate professionals have paved the way for influencer marketing success in the industry:

 High-End Property Promotions: Several luxury real estate agents have partnered with high-profile lifestyle and travel influencers to promote high-end properties, leveraging their broad audience and aspirational content to generate excitement around exclusive listings.

 Local Influencer Campaigns: Real estate professionals have had success collaborating with local influencers to create content focused on the neighborhoods, schools, and businesses in their target markets, connecting with potential clients on a more personal level.

 Expert Commentary and Analysis: Influencers with expertise in finance, investment, or home design have worked alongside real estate agents to offer in-depth analysis and insights, adding credibility and attracting a more engaged audience.


Collaborating with influencers can elevate your real estate brand, expand your reach, and drive tangible results in a competitive industry. By identifying relevant influencers, carefully planning your collaborations, and exploring various campaign formats, you can tap into the transformative power of influencer marketing to boost your real estate business.

Partner with Zentap to enhance your real estate marketing strategy and unlock unparalleled growth and success in a competitive marketplace with the influential impact of influencers. Our comprehensive platform, advanced tools, and industry-specific insights empower you to seamlessly integrate influencers into your marketing efforts and captivate your target audience. Discover the potential of automated social media posting and influencer marketing for your real estate business—experience the benefits and features offered by Zentap today.

Digital Marketing Real Estate Marketing Tips

Real Estate Email Marketing: Crafting Engaging Campaigns That Drive Leads and Boost ROI

In a competitive real estate landscape, it’s crucial for agents to capitalize on a wide array of marketing channels to capture leads and establish strong client relationships. Among these channels, email marketing has emerged as an effective and efficient way to drive engagement, generate leads, and promote client retention. By consistently delivering valuable and relevant content directly to contacts’ inboxes, real estate agents can maintain top-of-mind awareness, position themselves as industry experts, and ultimately nurture prospects through the sales funnel.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the pivotal role of email marketing in the real estate industry and offer valuable insights for creating high-performing email campaigns that captivate your audience and accelerate your business growth. From understanding unique audience segments and crafting personalized content to implementing best practices for email deliverability and tracking performance metrics, this article will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to excel in email marketing.

At Zentap, our goal is to empower real estate professionals with innovative software solutions and expert guidance, streamlining your marketing efforts and enabling you to achieve consistent success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Through our platform, you can create, manage, and optimize email marketing campaigns with ease, allowing you to harness the full potential of this powerful marketing channel and drive tangible results for your real estate business. Embrace email marketing with Zentap and set yourself apart from the competition with engaging and insightful communication your audience will appreciate.

1. Understand Your Audience and Segment Your Email List

To deliver relevant and targeted email content that resonates with your audience, it’s essential first to understand their unique preferences, needs, and expectations:

  • Define Your Audience Segments: Identify different categories within your contact list, such as first-time homebuyers, sellers, investors, or renters, and consider their specific needs and goals.
  • Segment Your List: Organize your email list into distinct segments based on relevant criteria, such as demographics, location, or past interactions, to ensure that you deliver the most pertinent content to each group.
  • Create Tailored Campaigns: Craft customized email campaigns for each segment that addresses their specific interests and pain points, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

2. Craft Compelling Content and Optimize for Engagement

To maximize the impact of your email campaigns, focus on creating engaging, informative, and personalized content that adds value for your audience:

  • Personalize Your Messaging: Include personalization elements, such as the recipient’s name or other relevant details, to establish a more personal connection and foster a sense of rapport.
  • Promote Valuable Content: Share industry insights, market updates, and helpful tips that demonstrate your expertise and provide tangible value to your audience.
  • Incorporate Visual Elements: Include eye-catching visuals, such as images, videos, or infographics, to make your emails more captivating and easily digestible.

3. Implement Best Practices for Email Deliverability and Design

Ensure that your email campaigns consistently reach their intended recipients and make a positive impression by adhering to essential deliverability and design best practices:

  • Optimize Your Subject Lines: Craft attention-grabbing subject lines that entice readers to open your emails, incorporating personalization and action-oriented language.
  • Maintain a Clean and Organized Design: Utilize a clean, responsive email template and organize your content for easy readability, ensuring that your message effectively reaches your audience, regardless of their preferred device.
  • Comply with Legal Guidelines: Follow regulations such as the CAN-SPAM Act, which requires that recipients have the ability to unsubscribe from your emails, and consider implementing double opt-in protocols to verify subscriber consent.

4. Track Your Performance and Continuously Optimize Your Strategy

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your email campaigns by tracking key performance metrics and optimize your strategy as needed:

  • Monitor Open and Click-Through Rates: Keep track of your email open and click-through rates to assess the engagement levels of your campaigns and make necessary adjustments.
  • Examine Conversion Rates and ROI: Determine the success of your campaigns by monitoring the conversion rates and return on investment (ROI) they generate, using this data to guide future strategy decisions.
  • A/B Test Your Campaigns: Test different elements of your email campaigns, such as subject lines, design, or content, to identify areas of improvement and optimize performance.


Email marketing is a powerful tool for real estate professionals seeking to engage their audience, generate leads, and grow their business. By implementing the strategies and best practices outlined in this guide, you can create impactful email campaigns that captivate your audience, demonstrate your value, and drive tangible results in the highly competitive real estate industry.

At Zentap, our mission is to empower real estate agents with innovative software solutions and expert guidance, streamlining your marketing efforts and enabling you to achieve success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. With our platform, you can effortlessly create, manage, and optimize your email marketing campaigns, capitalizing on the many benefits this channel offers and driving sustainable growth for your real estate business. Partner with Zentap to master email marketing for realtors and set yourself apart from the competition with engaging, informative, and persuasive communication your audience will appreciate.

Digital Marketing

Boost Your Real Estate Marketing: Incorporate Digital Audio

Incorporating digital audio into real estate marketing can be a powerful tool for increasing engagement and interest in a property. Digital audio can be used to create virtual tours, provide property descriptions, and highlight key features of a home. In this article, we will explore some ideas for incorporating digital audio into your real estate marketing plan.

Virtual Tours with Digital Audio 

Using digital audio in real estate marketing can be highly effective, particularly when creating virtual tours of a property. Integrating video and digital audio offers potential buyers a more engaging and immersive experience. Digital audio can be used to describe each room, highlight key features, and provide additional information about the property. This can be especially useful for out-of-town buyers who are unable to visit the property in person.

To create a virtual tour with digital audio, start by creating a video of the property. You can do this using either a smartphone or a high-quality camera. After capturing the video, you can incorporate digital audio using an editing program. When creating the audio, be sure to include a clear description of each room and highlight key features such as the size of the rooms, the type of flooring, and any unique architectural elements.

Property Descriptions with Digital Audio

Another way to incorporate digital audio into real estate marketing is to provide property descriptions with audio. This can be especially useful for properties that are difficult to describe with text alone. For example, if a property has a unique layout or architectural features, digital audio can be used to provide a more detailed description.

To create property descriptions with digital audio, start by writing a script that describes the property. Make sure all key features and any unique elements are included. Once you have the script, record the audio using a high-quality microphone. After that, you can add the audio to your website or online listing. This will allow potential buyers to listen to the description while they browse through photos of the property.

Highlighting Key Features with Digital Audio

Finally, digital audio serves as an excellent tool for emphasizing important aspects of a property. This is particularly beneficial for properties with distinctive or appealing features, like a swimming pool, a fireplace, or a scenic view. By highlighting these features with audio, you can create a more compelling marketing message. 

To highlight them, identify the features that are most important to potential buyers. Then, create a short audio clip that describes each feature in detail. You can add these clips to your website or online listing to provide additional information about the property.


Incorporating digital audio into real estate promotion can be an effective strategy for enhancing engagement and attracting attention to a property. By creating virtual tours with digital audio, providing property descriptions with audio, and highlighting key features with audio, you can create a more immersive experience for potential buyers.

As technology continues to advance, digital audio will be more essential in promoting real estate. By being proactive and integrating digital audio into your marketing strategy, you can provide your properties with a competitive advantage in the market.

Ready to take your real estate marketing to the next level? Let Zentap handle it all. From automated social posting to lead generation and agent websites, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to find out how we can help you succeed.

Digital Marketing

6 Digital Marketing Must-Dos for Real Estate Agents

In today’s digital age, real estate agents need to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to the changing marketing landscape. With more and more potential clients searching for properties and agents online, real estate agents must have a strong online presence.

Here are six digital marketing must-dos for real estate agents looking to grow their business and stand out from the competition.

1. Maximize Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to showcase properties and engage with potential clients. Creating high-quality videos that highlight the features of a property, as well as the neighborhood and community, can set you apart from your competitors. Share your videos on your website, YouTube, and social media platforms to increase visibility and engagement.

Consider creating different types of videos, such as 360-degree virtual tours, drone footage, and client testimonials. These videos showcase your expertise, build trust with potential clients, and, ultimately, generate more leads.

2. Create a Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is a valuable piece of content or resource that you offer to potential clients in exchange for their contact information. This can be a free home valuation, an e-book on the home-buying process, or a list of local resources for new homeowners.

By offering something of value, you’ll attract more leads and build your email list, which is crucial for nurturing relationships with potential clients.

3. Optimize Your Website

Your website is often the first impression potential clients have of you and your business. Ensure it is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and optimized for search engines. A well-designed website with relevant and engaging content, along with high-quality images, will keep visitors on your site longer and increase the likelihood that they will reach out to you for your services.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, as more people are searching for properties on their smartphones and tablets.

Additionally, include clear calls to action throughout your site to encourage visitors to take the next step, whether that’s scheduling a consultation, signing up for your email newsletter, or requesting a property showing.

4. Think about the Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel is a concept that helps you visualize the journey potential clients take from becoming aware of your services to ultimately choosing you as their real estate agent. By understanding the stages in the marketing funnel  — awareness, consideration, decision, and advocacy — you can create targeted marketing strategies and content that speak to potential clients at each stage.

For example, during the awareness stage, you can create blog posts and videos that educate potential clients on the home-buying process or local market trends. In the consideration stage, you can offer lead magnets and showcase client testimonials to demonstrate your expertise and credibility. Finally, in the decision stage, you can offer incentives and personalized consultations to encourage potential clients to choose you as their agent.

5. Begin an Email Newsletter

Email newsletters are an effective way to keep in touch with potential clients, nurture relationships, and keep your brand top of mind. Create a regular email newsletter filled with useful tips, market updates, and relevant news to engage your subscribers and demonstrate your expertise.

Make sure to personalize your emails and segment your list to target different types of clients, such as first-time homebuyers, sellers, or investors.

6. Manage Your Online Reputation

In today’s digital age, your online reputation is crucial. Make sure to monitor reviews and testimonials on sites like Google, Yelp, and Zillow. Respond to both positive and negative reviews in a professional and timely manner, and encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews to help boost your online credibility.

Final Thoughts

Digital marketing is essential for real estate agents looking to grow their business and stay competitive in today’s market. By implementing these six must-dos, you’ll be well on your way to building a strong online presence, attracting more leads, and, most of all, growing your real estate business.

To boost your digital marketing activities, check out Zentap today. We offer real estate lead generation software to help you create ads that can capture leads effectively. Book a demo today to learn more!

Digital Marketing Real Estate Marketing Tips

Creating a Winning Digital Marketing Plan for Realtors

Real estate is a highly competitive industry, and digital marketing has become an essential tool to stand out. A successful digital marketing plan can help real estate businesses reach their target audience, generate leads, and increase sales.

With the right strategies, digital marketing can be a game-changer for real estate businesses. In this article, we will discuss how to create a successful digital marketing plan for realtors.

Understand Your Target Audience

The first step in creating a successful digital marketing plan for a real estate business is understanding your target audience. Real estate businesses cater to different types of customers, such as first-time homebuyers, investors, and luxury homebuyers.

Each group has different needs, preferences, and budgets. So, it is essential to identify your target audience and create a buyer persona to understand their demographics, interests, pain points, and buying behavior.

Optimize Your Website

Your website is the face of your real estate business online. It is where potential customers will learn more about your business, view your listings, and contact you. Therefore, optimizing your website for search engines and user experience is essential.

You can do this by creating a mobile-friendly website, optimizing your content with relevant keywords, and providing high-quality images and videos of your properties. Your website should be easy to navigate, and your listings should be easy to find.

Create Engaging Content

Content marketing is a powerful tool for real estate businesses to attract and engage potential customers. Creating engaging content such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media posts can help you establish your brand as an authority in the real estate industry.

Your content should be informative, entertaining, and relevant to your target audience. You can also create content that showcases your properties, neighborhood, and local events to attract potential customers to your website.

Utilize Social Media

Social media is vital for real estate businesses to reach and build relationships with potential customers. You can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote your brand, share your content, and engage with your audience. You can also use social media to run targeted ads to reach your target audience. Social media can help you generate leads and increase your brand awareness.

Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective way to nurture your leads and engage your audience. You can use email marketing to send newsletters, updates about your listings, and promotional offers.

You can also use email marketing to send personalized messages to your leads based on their behavior and interests. Email marketing can help you build trust with your audience and keep them interested in your business.

Monitor and Analyze Your Results

To ensure your digital marketing plan is successful, you must monitor and analyze your results regularly. You can use tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and email marketing analytics to measure your website traffic, engagement, and conversion rates. By analyzing your results, you can identify what works and doesn’t and adjust your strategies accordingly.


Creating a successful digital marketing plan for realtors requires a lot of effort, time, and resources. However, with the right strategies, digital marketing can help you reach your target audience, generate leads, and increase sales. By understanding your target audience, optimizing your website, creating engaging content, utilizing social media, using email marketing, and monitoring your results, you can create a successful digital marketing plan for your real estate business.

Zentap can help you create a digital marketing plan for realtors to maximize your online presence and generate more leads. Our team of experts can help you create a customized plan that suits your business goals and budget. Contact us today to learn more.

Digital Marketing Real Estate Marketing Tips Social Media Marketing

Maximizing Real Estate Sales via Social Media Strategies

In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for businesses to reach their target audience. Real estate businesses, in particular, have embraced social media marketing as a means of promoting their services and properties. In this article, we will discuss effective social media marketing strategies for real estate businesses.

Targeting the Right Audience

The first step in any successful marketing campaign is to identify and target the right audience. Real estate businesses must identify their ideal client and tailor their social media marketing efforts to reach them.

This can be done by creating buyer personas and understanding their demographics, interests, and behaviors. By doing so, real estate businesses can create content that resonates with their target audience and increase engagement rates.

Creating Engaging Content

Once the target audience has been identified, the next step is to create engaging content. Real estate businesses must create content that is visually appealing, informative, and shareable.

This can be done by showcasing high-quality images and videos of properties, creating informative blog posts, and sharing relevant industry news. By creating engaging content, real estate businesses can increase their social media following and generate leads.

Utilizing Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising is a cost-effective way for real estate businesses to reach their target audience. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer targeted advertising options that allow businesses to reach specific demographics and interests. Real estate businesses can use social media advertising to promote their services, showcase properties, and generate leads.

Engaging with Followers

Engaging with followers is crucial for building a strong social media presence. Real estate businesses must respond to comments and messages promptly, engage in conversations with followers, and share user-generated content. By engaging with followers, real estate businesses can build trust and loyalty, and increase their brand visibility.

Partnering with Influencers

Partnering with influencers is a powerful way for real estate businesses to reach a wider audience. Influencers are individuals with a significant social media following who can promote a business or product to their followers.

Real estate businesses can partner with influencers who have a strong following in their target market to showcase their properties and services. By partnering with influencers, real estate businesses can increase their brand awareness and generate leads.

Hosting Virtual Tours

Virtual tours have become increasingly popular in the real estate industry, and social media is an excellent platform for showcasing them. Real estate businesses can host virtual tours of their properties and share them on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. By doing so, real estate businesses can provide their followers with an immersive experience and generate leads.

Measuring Success

Measuring the success of social media marketing efforts is essential for real estate businesses to optimize their strategies. Key performance indicators such as engagement rates, reach, and lead generation should be monitored regularly. Real estate businesses can use analytics tools to track their social media performance and make data-driven decisions to improve their strategies.

Using Video Marketing

In recent years, video marketing has become increasingly popular on social media platforms. Real estate businesses can use video marketing to showcase their properties and services in a more immersive and engaging way.

Video marketing can include property tours, client testimonials, and behind-the-scenes footage of the real estate business. By using video marketing, real estate businesses can increase their social media following, generate leads, and build brand awareness.


Social media marketing has become an essential tool for real estate businesses to reach their target audience and generate leads. By targeting the right audience, creating engaging content, utilizing social media advertising, engaging with followers, partnering with influencers, hosting virtual tours, and measuring success, real estate businesses can optimize their social media marketing efforts and achieve their business goals.

Are you a real estate agent looking to elevate your social media game? Look no further than Zentap! Our automated social posting, branded video content, local market updates, lead generation, agent websites, and more make us the go-to for social media marketing for realtors. Sign up today and take your social media presence to the next level!

Digital Marketing Real Estate Marketing Tips

Why Digital Marketing is a Must for Real Estate Sales Success

Digital marketing, including the real estate industry, has become integral to the business. It provides many opportunities to attract potential clients and increase sales. By implementing digital marketing strategies, real estate businesses can reach their target audience more effectively and efficiently. This article outlines the role of digital marketing in business growth and the different strategies that can be used to boost sales for real estate businesses.

How Can Digital Marketing Help Your Business?

Digital marketing is a powerful tool to help businesses grow and reach their potential audience. It offers various benefits, such as cost-effectiveness, better targeting, and increased engagement. In today’s digital age, people spend more time online, making it essential for businesses to have a strong digital presence.

Digital marketing can help real estate businesses build their brand and increase visibility. It provides an effective way to reach potential clients and promote their properties. Using digital marketing strategies, real estate businesses can enhance their reputation and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Digital marketing also provides businesses with valuable data and insights that can be used to optimize their marketing campaigns. With the help of analytics tools, businesses can track their marketing performance and make data-driven decisions to improve their marketing strategies.

Real Estate Marketing Strategies

Real estate businesses can use various digital marketing strategies to boost their sales. These strategies include:

  • Develop a Digital Strategy

Developing a digital strategy involves defining your business goals, identifying your target audience, and determining the digital channels that will be most effective in reaching and engaging them. This strategy should align with your overall business plan and consider the strengths and weaknesses of your current digital presence. It should also include a plan for measuring and analyzing the success of your digital efforts.

  • Invest in a User-friendly Website

Investing in a user-friendly website is essential for any business looking to digitize. Your website should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, and provide visitors with clear and concise information about your products or services. It should also be optimized for mobile devices and have a fast loading speed.

  • Do Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are becoming popular in the digital age. They allow businesses to showcase their products or services more interactively and engagingly, which can help increase customer engagement and sales. Virtual tours can be created using various digital tools, including 360-degree cameras and virtual reality technology. They can be used to showcase a physical location, such as a store or showroom, or to provide a virtual demonstration of a product or service. Virtual tours can also be shared on social media or embedded on a website, making them accessible to a wider audience.

  • Leverage Social Media

Social media has become essential for businesses looking to increase their online presence and connect with customers. It allows businesses to engage with customers in real-time, share updates about products or services, and build brand awareness. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer a range of features that businesses can use to promote their brand, including paid advertising, influencer marketing, and content creation. By leveraging social media, businesses can reach a wider audience, build a loyal following, and increase sales. It is important to have a clear social media strategy and regularly monitor and analyze social media metrics to optimize results.


These lists are just the tip of the iceberg regarding digital marketing strategies. It’s important for businesses to continually evaluate their digital marketing efforts and adapt to new trends and technologies. By implementing a well-rounded digital marketing strategy, businesses can increase online visibility, engage with customers, and drive sales. Whether through search engine optimization, email marketing, or social media, there are endless opportunities to connect with customers and grow your business in the digital age.

Do you want to know how automated social media posts work? Zentap’s automated posting solutions will help you stay consistent and relevant on all your social media channels. Contact us now to learn more and take the first step toward a stress-free social media strategy.

Digital Marketing

Real Estate Digital Marketing (Part 2): Ways to Boost Sales

In today’s world, it is essential for real estate companies to have a presence online. The Internet has become the main way that potential buyers search for homes and connect with agents. 

Without a strong digital marketing strategy, real estate companies can be missing out on valuable potential leads and sales.

This article will discuss five of the best ways for real estate companies to boost their sales through digital marketing.

1. Utilize Social Media

One of the best ways for real estate companies to boost their sales is to utilize social media such as Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Having a strong social media presence will not only help to build brand visibility but also increase engagement with potential customers.

Posting valuable content, such as tips and advice related to real estate, on different platforms can be an effective way to draw in interested prospects. Also, utilizing Facebook Ads or Twitter Ads can be a great way to target potential buyers or sellers in a particular area.

2. Invest in SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is necessary for any digital marketing strategy and should not be overlooked. Real estate companies need to make sure their website is properly optimized in order to show up in relevant searches.

Using keyword research to identify what terms potential customers are searching for is a great way to ensure that content is optimized properly. 

Leveraging local SEO techniques, such as listing the company on local directories and optimizing for local keywords, can also help increase visibility for real estate companies in a specific area.

3. Create an Engaging Website

Having a well-designed and engaging website is essential for real estate companies. A website should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, and mobile responsive.

Including helpful tools and resources on the website, such as calculators, checklists, and informational videos, will help to keep visitors engaged and increase the chances of converting them into leads.

4. Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective way for real estate companies to reach out to potential leads and stay in touch with existing customers. Email campaigns can be used to promote new properties, offer discounts, and share information and advice.

An email newsletter can also be used to keep customers informed of what is going on in the real estate market and showcase new properties.

5. Try Out Video Marketing

Video is becoming increasingly popular for digital marketing, and it is an effective way for real estate companies to capture the attention of their audience. With video, real estate companies can show off their properties in a more interesting and engaging way than traditional marketing methods, tapping into the power of visual mediums. 

Platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia make it easy to upload and promote videos, as well as connect with potential prospects. Through these platforms, real estate companies can quickly and easily produce professional-looking videos to showcase the properties they have for sale. 

Additionally, the popularity of these platforms makes it easier for real estate businesses to capture their target audience’s attention and keep customers engaged with their content.


The real estate sector now places an increasing emphasis on digital marketing. By leveraging the digital marketing strategies presented above, real estate businesses can boost their sales and gain an edge over their competition. 

By having a strong online presence, real estate businesses can better reach potential customers, build trust, and increase brand recognition. Overall, digital marketing is an effective and cost-efficient way for real estate businesses to grow their business and reach more customers.

Zentap is a digital marketing agency for realtors that is best suited for your brand! We provide automated social posting, branded video content, local market updates, lead generation, agent websites, and more. Call today to get started!

Digital Marketing

Real Estate Digital Marketing (Part 1): Uses and Benefits

In recent years, real estate has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. Despite there being a lot of competition in the market, real estate digital marketing is still the best way to acquire high-value customers. 

Digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses market their products and services. In the real estate industry, marketing through digital platforms gives companies a competitive edge and allows them to reach a larger audience.

The sections below show what you’re missing out on in real estate digital marketing.

What Is Real Estate Digital Marketing?

Real estate digital marketing is the use of digital platforms to advertise and promote real estate-related products and services. This includes anything from creating social media ads to content marketing campaigns. 

By leveraging digital channels such as search engine marketing, websites, email campaigns, and social media platforms, real estate businesses can reach potential customers faster and more cost-effectively.

Uses of Real Estate Digital Marketing

Real estate digital marketing presents a wide range of opportunities for businesses to increase their visibility, reach new markets, and convert leads into customers. Below are some of the most useful ways to use real estate digital marketing:

1. Targeted Advertising

Digital marketing gives businesses the ability to reach a highly specific audience based on their location, online behaviors, and interests. This allows businesses to serve hyper-targeted ads to the group of people likely to be interested in their offerings.

2. Brand Building

Through digital marketing, businesses can create a consistent and trustworthy brand presence across multiple platforms. This helps to develop trust and loyalty in potential buyers and increases conversion rates.

3. Content Marketing

Content marketing is an effective method to communicate with potential customers and answer their questions. By creating helpful video content, blogs, and other types of content, real estate businesses can effectively engage with their audiences and nurture leads.

4. Automation

Digital marketing gives businesses the opportunity to automate repetitive marketing tasks such as creating emails or publishing content. Automation helps to reduce the time it takes to complete marketing tasks and ensure timely communication with potential customers.

5. Data Analysis

Data analysis is a crucial part of digital marketing in the real estate industry. With the help of marketing analytics, businesses can track their campaigns, measure their performance, and identify areas of improvement.

Benefits of Real Estate Digital Marketing

Real estate digital marketing can provide a tremendous amount of value for businesses in the real estate industry. Here are some of the benefits:

1. Cost-Effectiveness

Digital marketing is one of the most economically advantageous marketing strategies. It enables companies to expand their consumer base at a fraction of the price of conventional marketing techniques.

2. Reaching New Markets

Digital marketing allows businesses to reach new markets, including ones that may have been unreachable before. This increases the potential customer base and allows businesses to expand into new territories.

3. Higher ROI

Real estate digital marketing has a much higher ROI than traditional marketing methods. Companies can assess the effectiveness of their campaigns in real time and, if necessary, modify their strategy.

4. Measurable Results

Real-time results tracking is made possible for businesses through digital marketing. With the help of analytics, businesses can better understand their customers and optimize their campaigns for maximum efficiency.


Real estate digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses in the real estate industry market their products and services, allowing them to reach a more targeted audience and convert leads into customers more quickly. With the help of digital marketing, companies can take their real estate businesses to the next level and ensure their success.

The next part of this discussion explores the many ways you can boost sales through real estate digital marketing.

Zentap is a digital marketing agency for realtors that elevates your real estate marketing! We provide automated social posting, branded video content, local market updates, lead generation, agent websites, and more. Contact us today to set up an appointment!

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5 Factors to Consider in Maintaining GMB For Real Estate

Google My Business (GMB) can be an invaluable asset for real estate businesses. It is a free service from Google that allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google’s search engine, Google Maps, and more. As a result, more users can see real estate companies online.

It is an excellent way to promote your business to potential customers and can even help you increase your website’s visibility and rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). But which factors should companies consider in maintaining GMB for real estate? Here are some ideas.

1. Consistency

Ensure consistency across all of your GMB listings by providing accurate and up-to-date information, including the name, address, phone number, website URL, and hours of operation. However, remember to keep them consistent across all platforms.

Consistency means ensuring all information should be the same, including the name, address, phone number, website URL, and hours of operation. Consistent information across your GMB listings will help customers find your business more efficiently.

2. Categories and Subcategories

When creating a GMB listing, selecting the most appropriate categories and subcategories for your business is essential. It will ensure that your business is accurately represented and that potential customers can easily find it.

However, it is essential to consider a few things to select the most appropriate categories and subcategories for the business. For example, check business type, services offered, and the products sold. But also consider the geographical area where the company stands.

3. Area Coverage

When creating a GMB listing, businesses need to specify where they are available for customers. Companies must determine the geographical area they wish to cover with their listing. Stating the areas covered by the business should help potential clients better.

When specifying the area, make sure to include all the local places you serve and any surrounding areas you’re willing to travel to. Businesses should also have local landmarks or points of interest to help customers find their business more efficiently.

4. Eye-Catching Elements

When creating a GMB listing, businesses should strive to make the listing as eye-catching as possible. Adding photos and videos to the listing can help make it stand out from the competition. Additionally, businesses should include running promotions or offers to attract more people.

Businesses should also use keywords throughout their GMB listing to help their listing appear higher in the search engine results. It will help customers find the company more efficiently and increase their chances of choosing the business over the competition.

5. Rich Posts

Rich posts are an important way to create an engaging GMB listing. These posts allow businesses to promote their products and services more creatively than just a text-based listing. Companies can use rich posts to showcase new products, announce upcoming events, and highlight promotions or offers. Rich posts can drive more traffic to the business website or social media accounts. It can help businesses reach more potential customers and increase their chances of success.


Using Google My Business to promote a business can be a great way to reach new customers and increase visibility. By optimizing their GMB listing, companies can ensure their listing stands out and appears higher in search engine results.

Businesses should also use keywords, rich posts, and other features to create an engaging and informative listing to attract customers. With the proper optimization techniques, companies can ensure their GMB listing is seen and increase their chances of success.

Zentap aims to elevate real estate marketing to help realtors assist more clients. Through social media marketing for realtors, we aim to create strategies real estate companies can use to attract more clients while highlighting services. Inquire about automated social media posts and book an appointment on our website today.

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